Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Headlining FCM Convention in 2013

What is the FCM? The Fellowship of Christian Magicians is an international organization of people, from all walks of life, dedicated to using a high standard of presentation of the Gospel and to leading the lost to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why do we use the various performing arts to teach and preach the “Good News?” Because a person will only retain a small percentage of what they hear, but if you give them visual illustrations along with the lesson, their retention factor increases greatly. Add to the illustration a mystery or surprise ending, and you lock in on their curiosity and they will long remember what you’ve taught. Natalie & I are honored to have been asked to headline the 2013 Fellowship of Christian Magician Convention in Columbus, Ohio. We will not only be performing in the Gala show, but we will also be lecturing and setting up a vendor booth to sell magic I have created and more. I have been a member of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians for over 10 years now and I have performed at churches all over the East Coast. Even though I have worked in this field for a while now, this will be my first FCM convention. If you are reading this and are a member of the FCM please try and make the 2013 convention, I have heard just some of the things they are planning and it sounds like this is the year not to be missed…

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